Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

LOTR - Night with lots of fangirling and fun at the cinema. ♥

Hey guys ~ ♥

Christmas is over and the new year is near ...
I've spent the last days with lots of food, films and friends.
I hope, everyone had a nice christmas. 
Mine was good and I'm more than thankful for the presents I received.
Of course, I ate waaay to much. But let's be honest - grandma's food is just too good. ^-^

On Wednesday I went to Mo and stayed there over night.
She welcomed me with a cup of peppermint tea and some cookies which was wonderful!
mhm ~ ^-^
We talked a little while and listened to Philipp Poisel.
( I got her the CD for christmas, hehe.)

I brought my Laptop with me, too.
In the evening, we noticed that we had some problems with the WLAN, so we had to wait for her older sister |D.
But we spent the time with taking some dumb photos! :D

Later we started watching Lord of the Rings.
We watched "Fellowship of the Ring" and "The two towers" all night long! *O*
I wanted to share my impressions, as it was the first time I ever got to see LOTR.

Omg, I don't know where to start ... I enjoyed it so much! ♥
 At first I was a little bit confused because of the huge number of characters. XD
But I looooved the storyline.
I always thought that Frodo looked kinda hot, but now I love all of the hobbits. 
I'm definitely like Pippin, haha .. foooood ~ (=w=)
And I mean, come on! This movie is SO full of gay moments.
It was a torture because I wanted them to kiss all the time but they didn't do it ...
*typical me* XD
Srsly, it's impossible to not-ship the pairings.
~ END ~
Also it was wonderful to watch it with Mo.
She didn't get annoyed because of my all-time-babbling and at some parts we had to laugh sooo hard!
I think that's one of the best feeling ever - beeing together with a lovely person laughing. ^__^
(I'm looking forward to watch the 3rd one with you, honey. :3)

Yesterday I went to the cinema with some friends.
We watched "Jesus loves me" - and no, it isn't a religious movie. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
But it was great and very funny.
On our way to the exit of the cinema, we found this huge poster-thing from Skyfall.
Mo and I couldn't resist ... 
So yeah, that's all I guess.
Oh my god, I still can't believe that tomorrow will be the last day of 2012 ...
Kyu will visit me and we'll celebrate together. I'm excited!

Thank you for reading. ♥

4 Kommentare:

  1. Oh Kekse und Tee, wie lecker♥ *O*
    Übrigens finde ich das letzte Bild echt witzig xD Ich mag's :'D

  2. Hey, du wurdest von mir getaggt ;3

  3. Skyfall & Hobbit - waren beides ganz tolle Filme ^^
