Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

LOTR - Night with lots of fangirling and fun at the cinema. ♥

Hey guys ~ ♥

Christmas is over and the new year is near ...
I've spent the last days with lots of food, films and friends.
I hope, everyone had a nice christmas. 
Mine was good and I'm more than thankful for the presents I received.
Of course, I ate waaay to much. But let's be honest - grandma's food is just too good. ^-^

On Wednesday I went to Mo and stayed there over night.
She welcomed me with a cup of peppermint tea and some cookies which was wonderful!
mhm ~ ^-^
We talked a little while and listened to Philipp Poisel.
( I got her the CD for christmas, hehe.)

I brought my Laptop with me, too.
In the evening, we noticed that we had some problems with the WLAN, so we had to wait for her older sister |D.
But we spent the time with taking some dumb photos! :D

Later we started watching Lord of the Rings.
We watched "Fellowship of the Ring" and "The two towers" all night long! *O*
I wanted to share my impressions, as it was the first time I ever got to see LOTR.

Omg, I don't know where to start ... I enjoyed it so much! ♥
 At first I was a little bit confused because of the huge number of characters. XD
But I looooved the storyline.
I always thought that Frodo looked kinda hot, but now I love all of the hobbits. 
I'm definitely like Pippin, haha .. foooood ~ (=w=)
And I mean, come on! This movie is SO full of gay moments.
It was a torture because I wanted them to kiss all the time but they didn't do it ...
*typical me* XD
Srsly, it's impossible to not-ship the pairings.
~ END ~
Also it was wonderful to watch it with Mo.
She didn't get annoyed because of my all-time-babbling and at some parts we had to laugh sooo hard!
I think that's one of the best feeling ever - beeing together with a lovely person laughing. ^__^
(I'm looking forward to watch the 3rd one with you, honey. :3)

Yesterday I went to the cinema with some friends.
We watched "Jesus loves me" - and no, it isn't a religious movie. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
But it was great and very funny.
On our way to the exit of the cinema, we found this huge poster-thing from Skyfall.
Mo and I couldn't resist ... 
So yeah, that's all I guess.
Oh my god, I still can't believe that tomorrow will be the last day of 2012 ...
Kyu will visit me and we'll celebrate together. I'm excited!

Thank you for reading. ♥

Freitag, 21. Dezember 2012

It's Christmas time. ♥

Hello cuties. ♥
Chuuuu! ~ 
The stressful time in school is finally over! *yay*
I'm so happy, because the last weeks were just horrible ...
 And I'm looking forward to enjoy my holidays. ^___^

 I have the time to write a christmas-related post, now.
Sadly; I'm not in a very christmassy mood yet. ;A;
School really can ruin your anticipation. (lots of work, tests etc.)
But nevertheless I'm trying to see the postive aspects of the cold season!

Last week I decided to do a christmas nail design.
I got inspired by a photo of Ledamonsterbunny.
I love her, she's a huge inspiration to me. ♥

I think they look ok. I don't know, I'm not good at such things.
But they remind me of candy canes, mhm. ~ ♥
I think it's nice to brighten up your days with some little things like that.
I mean .. even if you're not a person, who is very excited about christmas, it'll make you smile. ^-^

But, you know what I hate about this time?
I'm such a failure at it, haha.
Every time I try to wrap a present nicely it turns out to be a deformed something with tons of tape on it.
It's kind of embarrassing, isn't it? |D *cube of shame*
This is how the presents for my friends turned out.
I did my best but to be honest it took me like forever to wrap them. XD
Nevertheless I'm proud of myself.
And of course, all presents are wrapped with love, that's the most important thing I guess. :3

Today, all of us brought our presents to school.
I received some very nice ones and I'm thankful for that. ♥
Look, what I've got from one of my besties;
Asdfghjkl. <333
Oh gaaaaaawd. A calendar for 2013! ♥
It's full of cute pictures (f.e. Malec and Hömmels)
Yes, it's a Yaoi/Fangirl-Calendar and yes, I regret nothing!
She also put some pictures of lovely David Tennant in it.
Even in August - my 'birthday month'. I freaked out. XDD
Thanks again, sweetie. ♥

After school I went to a bookstore with two of my friends.
And guess what - we were able to drive by the "Christkindltram". *___*
(It's a tram with some decoration in it and they play christmas music while driving)
I freaked out². I always wanted to do that. ~
lovely decoration. ^w^
Some of my favourite christmas songs;

So, that's all I guess. 
☆ Merry christmas to all of you
I hope you'll all be able to celebrate with your loved ones and that all of you will have a wonderful evening. ^-^

Thank you for reading. ♥

Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012

I'm back ... finally. ♥

Hello lovely readers ~ ♥

Isn't that a wonderful picture of me? |D
As you can see, I'm back.
After a long time of absence I've decided to start blogging again. I missed it!
I changed my blog url and the theme & I will try to create an acceptable header.
Wish me luck. ^.^

I'd like to thank all of you who didn't unfollow me. It really means much to me! ♥

And I wanted to mention that I will try to change my "blogging style" as well because I only want to tell you interesting things ( ok, maybe some random things too :D) from now on. (:

I hope my English isn't too bad. 
It's a little bit difficult for me to write in English, but it's my favourite language besides japanese.
So I like to do it & in my opinion it's a great way to practise! 

Have a good day. 